news 2023 年 8 月 28 日

《伊苏X -NORDICS-》新要素详细检查!系列粉丝的作者探讨“交叉动作”和“航海”

本文介绍了《伊苏X -NORDICS-》的新要素,包括“交叉动作”和“航海”,并由系列粉丝的作者进行了探讨。
本文介绍了《伊苏X -NORDICS-》的新要素,包括“交叉动作”和“航海”,并由系列粉丝的作者进行了探讨。详情请点击原文链接。




在《Xanadu》的成功之后,人们对该公司的新动作RPG寄予了厚望,于是《伊苏 Ancient Ys Vanished Omen》应运而生。战斗系统受玩家技能的影响,既保持了战斗的紧张感,又让玩家感受到了击败敌人的爽快感,超出了玩家的期望,成为了一款令人着迷的游戏。

续作《伊苏II Ancient Ys Vanished The Final Chapter(1988年4月发售)》也获得了好评,随后开始了编号展开。在推出衍生作品《伊苏·起源》期间,该系列持续了20年,直到《伊苏SEVEN》的推出。


広大な無人島を舞台に、時代を超えた壮大な物語の結末を辿る『イースVIII -Lacrimosa of DANA-(2016年7月)』是打破了『イース』系列的沉默。该作品首次在PS Vita上亮相,之后又在PS4、PC(Steam)和Nintendo Switch上活跃。2019年9月,『イースIX -MONSTRUM NOX-』以全新的切入点、扩大了战斗和探索的范围,引入了“异能动作”,为玩家提供了全新的动作体验。
此外,『イース』系列的大部分作品不仅仅是原始版本,还有移植和重制版,适用于各个时代的家用游戏机和PC版。最近,第三部的重制版『イース・メモワール -フェルガナの誓い-』也在Switch上发布,于2023年4月发售。
『イース』系列已经积累了35年以上的历史,不断推出新作,并通过重新展示旧作来吸引新的玩家层。作为该系列的最前沿,『イースX -NORDICS-(以下简称『イースX』)』将于2023年9月28日登陆Nintendo Switch/PS5/PS4。

『イースX -NORDICS-』公式サイト







此外,另一个要素是不能忽视的音效的好处。原本『イース』系列的音效制作就很出色,获得重要物品时的SE已经非常熟悉了。 本作也延续了那个音效。





■使用单人和组合的“Cross Action”让《伊苏》的动作更加“深入”








在以往的作品中,共同战斗在游戏系统上只是这样的。但是,《伊苏X》通过组合模式的“Cross Action”进一步提高了共同战斗的感觉。

首先,由于组合模式下移动速度大大降低,因此不适合长时间使用。 在单人模式中缩短距离,在关键时刻切换到组合模式,这种节奏感非常重要,不仅在战略上如此。此外,有些攻击无法通过组合防御来防御,这时单人模式的冲刺就成为有效的手段。识别敌人的攻击,灵活运用冲刺和组合防御也是必不可少的。传统的快速单人模式和可靠的组合模式。每个元素都很简单易懂,通过切换两种模式和两个操作角色,Ys X的战斗变得更加深入。本次游戏也有超出期望的手感,让人期待不已。
由于Ys X是一款动作RPG游戏,因此Adol和Carja的培养和战斗力的增强手段也是重要的要素。通过等级提升来增加属性,更换和强化武器,通过配饰来扩展战略等等,方法多种多样。
其中特别值得关注的是另一个新要素“释放线”。除了武器和配饰外,Adol和Carja还可以装备分为四个属性的“Mana Seed”,如“勇猛”和“坚固”。 “Mana Seeds” can be set in several blocks, each with a set location connected by lines called “Release Lines”. To put it simply, the “Mana Seeds” are the power itself, while the “Release Lines” are the vessels of power. By equipping the “Mana Seeds”, players can enjoy various effects such as increased stats and heavier normal attacks, making it a formidable enhancement element. Moreover, the benefits of “Mana Abilities” obtained by the number of “Mana Seeds” connected in each block cannot be ignored.
For example, by fitting the “Brave” seed, which specializes in attack, into the “Release Lines”, players can obtain effects such as “increased damage dealt to enemies” and “increased damage dealt to Gligar (an undead enemy in the game)” depending on the number of lines. Conversely, if players fit the “Sturdy” seed, which specializes in defense, they can receive benefits such as “reduced damage taken”. By matching the attributes, players can receive benefits that suit their playstyle.
Although specializing in the same attribute can be more effective, adding the “Optimistic” attribute can reduce the SP consumption required for skill activation, making players fickle in a good way.
As the gameplay progresses, the effects of “Mana Seeds” will become even more powerful, and the “Release Lines” will be further unlocked. This new enhancement method will undoubtedly become a support for defeating tough enemies.
In addition to the battle elements, the “Mana Action” that expands the adventure is also an important factor that cannot be ignored when talking about Ys X. The field in the game presents a three-dimensional expanse, with items ranging from material-based items to treasure chests, scattered throughout to stimulate the player’s desire to explore. However, sometimes obstacles stand in the way of that exploration. For example, there may be treasure chests on ledges that cannot be reached by jumping, or platforms that are far apart from each other.
In such cases, one of the actions that can be useful is “Mana String,” which uses the power of mana. This action involves shooting a thread of mana at the target and pulling oneself up to that point. While the places where this power can be used are limited, if it can be used in a particular location, it is possible to jump from a low point to the target platform all at once. It is also possible to use “Mana String” repeatedly and make dynamic moves such as jumping from one point in the air to another.
Moreover, obstacles to exploration are not limited to differences in height. There are places where the player cannot proceed because of a thicket of thorns. In such cases, “Mana Burst” comes in handy. “Mana Burst” has different effects for each character, with Adol blowing flames and Carja freezing the surrounding area. For the thicket of thorns, Adol’s Mana Burst is effective as his flames burn them down, allowing him to proceed without any problems. Carja’s Mana Burst causes the ground to freeze and rise with ice, so it can be used in places where a jump alone won’t reach, cleverly filling in the missing parts.
These “Mana Actions” not only help with exploration, but also prove useful in battles. During combat, using “Mana String” allows for instant movement to the targeted enemy, closing the distance in one go. Some bosses may hinder attacks by releasing thorns or cause damage just by standing on the ground. If it’s the former, Adol’s Mana Burst can burn them away, and if it’s the latter, Carja’s freeze can create a foothold, making it easy to deal with.
Elements that are helpful for exploration also play a role in battles. The versatility of their responses is truly fitting for the “adventurer Adol.” In addition, there is “Mana Ride,” which allows for speedy gliding, and the rich “Mana Action” supports Adol’s adventures. Another important exploration element in this game is “navigation.” Adol and his companions visit the Obelia Bay for a certain purpose, but they are stopped due to an unexpected incident. Afterwards, they team up with pirates and operate the sailing ship “Sandross” to challenge the open sea.
The exploration element in this game is centered around sailing. Using maps and information obtained, they set sail on the Obelia Bay, which spreads out before them, seeking adventure while feeling the sea breeze. The “Sandross” was a ship on the verge of being scrapped, so its sailing ability is minimal. Its speed is slow, and some players may feel that they want to “adventure more freely and speedily on the sea!” However, this is only true for the early stages of the game.
Furthermore, the sailing ship can be upgraded by obtaining materials and funds, and players can customize it to their liking. As the ship’s abilities improve, players can explore further and discover new islands and dungeons. The sailing element adds a new dimension to the game, allowing for a new kind of adventure for both Adol and the player. 你可以通过强化“桑德拉斯号”的速度、旋转力、船体耐久度和攻击力等方面来提高航行的舒适度。随着时间的推移,你的航行将变得越来越舒适。此外,在初始阶段和最远的相机视角下,你可能会感到速度很慢,但是如果切换到与操舵手阿德尔几乎相同的视角,你就可以体验到“动态航行”的感觉。在这个视角下,你的感官速度会大大提高,加上在海上航行的愉悦感,你会产生“这才是真正的航海冒险!”的感觉。
你的主要攻击手段是“普通弹”和“EX武器”这两种。随着船只的强化,你的武装也会增加,但基本上只有这两种武器。 “Normal bullets” may have weak power, but if they hit, they can temporarily slow down enemy ships. They are also capable of rapid fire, making them suitable for chasing down enemy ships.
“EX weaponry” has a short range and a fixed firing direction, but its power upon impact is outstanding. It can be quite difficult to sink enemy ships with just “normal bullets,” but “EX weaponry” can literally crush early-game enemy ships in one hit. The basic strategy is to stop the enemy’s movement with “normal bullets” and then approach them quickly to deliver the finishing blow with “EX weaponry.” This flow is not only fundamental, but also extremely satisfying.

Since Adol has been adventuring with just his own body, ship battles like this are a rare element throughout the series. It is not just a temporary gimmick, but a feature that extends throughout the gameplay of this game, making the adventure at sea exciting not only for Adol, but also for the player.

Not only can you sink enemy ships with cannon fire, but there is also the “boarding attack (abordage battle)”, where you board the enemy ship and engage in a normal battle on board. At this point, you can fully embrace your inner pirate and rampage through enemy ships with Carja. It seems like a thrilling and enjoyable experience. 此外,游戏还加入了“夺回战”要素,玩家需要在进行“海上战”的同时消除覆盖在被格里格占领的岛屿上的结界,然后由阿德尔和卡杰两人登陆岛屿,进入“陆地战”。在两个战场上击败大量的格里格,就可以获得奖励和快速旅行等好处。




作者: 臥待 弦(ふしまち ゆずる) 发表日期:2023 年 8 月 28 日