news 2023 年 8 月 24 日

「宇宙戦艦ヤマト 劇場版」&「愛の戦士たち」4Kリマスター版,伊武雅刀担任デスラー的旁白预告片公开

「宇宙戦艦ヤマト 劇場版」和「愛の戦士たち」将于12月8日和2024年1月5日分别以3周限定的形式公开4K重制版。现在公开了由当时扮演德斯拉的伊武雅刀担任旁白的预告片。
“Space Battleship Yamato: Theatrical Version” will be released for a limited time on December 8th, and “Farewell to Space Battleship Yamato: In the Name of Love” will be released on January 5th, 2024, both in 4K remastered versions. To promote the two-month consecutive theatrical release, a trailer featuring narration by Masakata Ibuki, who played Dessler at the time, has been released. In addition, advance tickets with special bonuses will be available for purchase starting on August 25th.
The “Space Battleship Yamato” series is known as a masterpiece of science fiction anime, having been released nearly half a century ago. When “Space Battleship Yamato: Theatrical Version” was released in August 1977, the long lines of young people waiting outside theaters were widely reported in the media as the arrival of an “anime boom.” This enthusiasm expanded the fan base and even became a catalyst for the launch of anime specialty magazines. “Farewell to Space Battleship Yamato: In the Name of Love” was released as a sequel in August 1978 and recorded the first-ever audience attendance of 4 million for an anime film. It also became a work that raised the social recognition of anime, ranking second in domestic films that year. 两部作品将连续两个月在电影院上映,其4K修复版的理念是“将一切恢复到原始状态,不进行任何多余的加工,只是不断打磨当时制作的画面和音效”。声音方面采用了初次公开时的单声道音频。新发现的“磁带录音的母带素材”被使用,获得了更大的动态范围和音质。影像方面,挖掘和恢复了在历史上被切割和散失的原始底片。以4K尺寸进行数据记录,并彻底消除了底片的损坏和细微划痕。
《宇宙战舰山茶花 史诗篇》的4K修复版将于12月8日上映,《再见宇宙战舰山茶花 爱的战士们》的4K修复版将于2024年1月5日开始,在全国36家影院限时3周上映。



作者: 仲瀬 コウタロウ 发表日期:2023 年 8 月 24 日