news 2023 年 8 月 17 日


記事の著者: 茶っプリン
Cygames has released details of a major balance adjustment for the smartphone/PC training simulation game “Uma Musume Pretty Derby” that will take place on August 24th.
In this adjustment, various improvements will be made to make training more comfortable, such as reducing the occurrence rate of motivation decrease events, resolving bad conditions with the infirmary command, removing the negative skill assignment in target races, and adjusting some skills.
Additionally, three new systems, “Stamina Battle,” “Position Adjustment,” and “Lead Secure,” will be introduced to the race mechanics. The details of each system are as follows:
  • “Stamina Battle” System:
    • Uma Musume with a stamina parameter exceeding 1200 may activate the “Stamina Battle,” which increases their maximum speed during the final sprint of certain distances.
    • The higher the growth of stamina and power in an Uma Musume, the greater the increase in maximum speed when the “Stamina Battle” is activated.
    • The longer the race distance, the greater the increase in maximum speed when the “Stamina Battle” is activated.
    • Even if the displayed stamina parameter exceeds 1200, it may not be possible to activate the “Stamina Battle” depending on factors such as motivation and skill effects.
以上是Cygames公开的关于智能手机/电脑培养模拟游戏《赛马娘 美丽的比赛》将于8月24日进行的大型平衡调整的详细信息。
  • “耐力战”系统:
    • 超过1200的耐力参数的赛马娘可能会在某些距离的比赛中的最后冲刺阶段提高最高速度,从而触发“耐力战”。
    • 耐力和力量在赛马娘中的成长越高,“耐力战”触发时最高速度的提高程度就越大。
    • 比赛距离越长,“耐力战”触发时最高速度的提高程度就越大。
    • 即使显示的耐力参数超过1200,也可能由于动力和技能效果等因素无法触发“耐力战”。
  • スタミナのパラメータが1200以下でも、やる気やスキルの効果などによって「スタミナ勝負」を発動できる場合があります。


  • レース中盤、先頭のウマ娘との距離が大きく開いているか、近くにウマ娘がいるとき、ウマ娘が有利な位置取りを得るため「位置取り調整」を発動する場合があります。

  • 「位置取り調整」は複数回発動する場合があります。

  • レース中ウマ娘が初めて「位置取り調整」を発動したときにアイコンが表示されます。

  • 「位置取り調整」を発動すると、ウマ娘は持久力を使って速度を引き上げます。

  • 「位置取り調整」を発動したときにウマ娘が使う持久力と上げる速度は、レースの距離とウマ娘の作戦によって異なります。

  • パワーと根性が成長したウマ娘ほど、「位置取り調整」を発動したときに速度を引き上げる度合いが大きくなります。

  • 作戦が「逃げ」のウマ娘は、「位置取り調整」を発動したとき、近くに同じ作戦のウマ娘が少ない場合、速度を引き上げる度合いが大きくなります。

  • ウマ娘が「先頭のウマ娘との距離が大きく開いている」と判断して、「位置取り調整」を発動する先頭のウマ娘との距離は、レースの距離とウマ娘の作戦により異なります。

  • 先頭のウマ娘との距離が大きく開いているときに発動する「位置取り調整」は、下記の条件で発動しやすくなります。

- Uma Musume's intelligence is high. - The "Position Adjustment" skill is more likely to activate under the following conditions: - The Uma Musume's guts stat is high. - There are many Uma Musume nearby. - There are many Uma Musume with the same strategy nearby. - When the distance between the leading Uma Musume and the others is not large, but there are many Uma Musume nearby, activating "Position Adjustment" will consume more stamina. - In order to ensure that the Uma Musume can run at full speed until the end of the race, they may enter a "Stamina Conservation" state and not activate "Position Adjustment". - When stamina is recovered with a skill while in the "Stamina Conservation" state, there may be a chance to activate "Position Adjustment" again. - Regardless of whether the "Stamina Conservation" state is entered or not, there may be cases where the Uma Musume cannot conserve enough stamina to run at full speed until the end of the race. - The higher the intelligence growth of the Uma Musume, the higher the chance of realizing the need for "Stamina Conservation". - Even if the Uma Musume activates "Position Adjustment", there may be cases where they cannot obtain a favorable position. - "Lead Secure" System: - During the middle of the race, if an Uma Musume who has chosen a strategy to run behind is unable to secure a sufficient lead, they may activate "Lead Secure". - "Lead Secure" can be activated multiple times. - An icon will be displayed when the Uma Musume activates "Lead Secure" for the first time during the race.
  • 当使用“保持领先”时,赛马娘会使用耐力来提高速度。

  • 赛马娘在使用“保持领先”时消耗的耐力取决于比赛距离和赛马娘的策略。

  • 根据毅力的成长,赛马娘在使用“保持领先”时提高速度的程度会增加。

  • 选择“逃跑”策略的赛马娘,在使用“保持领先”时,如果附近没有相同策略的赛马娘,提高速度的程度会增加。

  • 智力成长较高的赛马娘,在对于选择跟在自己后面跑的赛马娘没有足够的领先时,更容易使用“保持领先”。

  • 赛马娘判断自己没有足够的领先时,对于后面的赛马娘使用“保持领先”的距离取决于比赛距离和赛马娘的策略。

  • 即使赛马娘使用了“保持领先”,也有可能无法确保足够的领先以获得优势。



作者: 茶っプリン 发表日期:2023 年 8 月 17 日