news 2023 年 8 月 4 日

『ペルソナ5 タクティカ』ベルベットルームがスチームパンク風に!?明智吾郎&芳澤かすみ登場のDLCなど、第2弾PVで新情報続々

《茶っプリン》发布了《Persona 5 Tactics》的第二弹PV,展示了改造后的绒布房间和新的DLC角色明智吾郎和芳泽香澄等新信息。
《茶っプリン》发布了《Persona 5 Tactics》的第二弹PV,展示了改造后的绒布房间和新的DLC角色明智吾郎和芳泽香澄等新信息。阅读原文
<figure class="ctms-editor-youtube"><iframe src="" width="640" height="360" max-width="100%" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen=""></iframe></figure><p>Atlus has released the second PV for "Persona 5 Tactics" and a new video called "Nyahoo! News Vol.3" delivered by Morgana, along with the latest information.</p><p>This game is the latest installment in the "Persona 5" series. It retains the charm of battles such as 1MORE and All-Out Attacks, and introduces a satisfying "Simulation RPG" where you can cooperate with your allies. The story begins with the encounter with the mysterious girl "Revolutionary El" who saved the Joker, and the "revolutionary drama" of the Phantom Thieves unfolds.</p><h2>◆New map "Yoshiki Kingdom" and the Velvet Room transformed into a steampunk style are revealed!</h2><p>In the second PV, the "Yoshiki Kingdom" is revealed, which is a Japanese-style town in the alternate world "Kingdom" where the story takes place. It is a country ruled by the shogun "Yoshiki" who has the appearance of a giant Buddha and values love above all else. However, in reality, it is a dictatorship that captures dissenting citizens and forces them into "forced labor of love".</p><p>The Phantom Thieves will move to correct Yoshiki's wrongdoings with the cooperation of the local residents.
另外,从怪盗团中公布了DLC角色“明智吾郎”和“芳澤かすみ”的消息。从本篇故事发售当天起,将会发布DLC“Repaint Your Heart”,价格为1,690日元(含税)。
《女神异闻录5:战术版》预计于2023年11月17日发售,支持Xbox Game Pass/Xbox Series X|S/Xbox One/Windows/PS5/PS4/任天堂Switch/Steam平台。标准版售价为7,920日元(含税),豪华下载版售价为11,770日元(含税)。



作者: 《茶っプリン》 发表日期:2023 年 8 月 4 日