news 2023 年 7 月 27 日


ABEMAで、2023年7月24日(月)の夜10時から夜11時30分にわたり、『声優と夜あそび 月【安元洋貴×白井悠介】#13』を放送。【動画】『声優と夜あそび 月【安元洋貴×白井悠介】#13』 本放送では、いきなりスイカ割…

在ABEMA上,从2023年7月24日(星期一)晚上10点到11点30分,将播出《声优与夜游戏 月【安元洋贵×白井悠介】#13》。

【视频】《声优与夜游戏 月【安元洋贵×白井悠介】#13》




"Because I put pepper on vanilla ice cream," I expected and put it in my mouth, but the result was disappointing, so I appealed, "You shouldn't do it!" Afterwards, I tried combining miso, cinnamon, mustard, etc., but I couldn't find a topping that goes well with watermelon, and the voices of the two in the studio were filled with anguish.
In the midst of all this, there is also a scene where suspicions of “taste blindness” arise for Shirai. When Shirai tries shichimi, he unexpectedly reacts with “the sweetness stands out” and “it works.” Encouraged by Shirai’s high praise, Yasumoto also tries it, but strongly disagrees with “no way!” Even the staff gives a skeptical look. Later, when combined with olive oil and yuzu pepper, Shirai gets excited exclaiming, “Wow! This is it!” and “Ah! It’s delicious!” On the other hand, Yasumoto, feeling fear towards Shirai’s “taste buds,” retorts, “I can’t trust you.” As a result, Yasumoto shows some understanding towards olive oil, but firmly declares “it’s a mistake!” to yuzu pepper, causing laughter in the studio.
Furthermore, last year’s winning topping for shaved ice, “Ebi Paku,” also makes an appearance. When its creator, Yasumoto, tries it, he is surprised by the unexpected result, saying, “I can eat it” and “it’s a little tasty.”



作者: ABEMA TIMES 发表日期:2023 年 7 月 27 日