2023 年 7 月 14 日
「映画クレヨンしんちゃん」30周年Blu-rayプロジェクトが展開中! カスカベ防衛隊の活躍シーンを紹介

『映画クレヨンしんちゃん』は1993年に上映が始まり、今年30周年を迎えた。 これにあわせて、これまでDVDでのみ発売されてきた旧作映画19作品のBlu-ray化プロジェクトが展開しており、隔月で全19作を順次発売中だ。 この記事ではそんな旧作映画でも出番の多い、“カスカベ防衛隊”の活躍シーンを紹介する。
しんのすけと同じふたば幼稚園に通う級友の風間くん、ネネちゃん、ボーちゃんそしてマサオくんを誘って結成されたのが“カスカベ防衛隊”だ。 春日部の愛と平和を守ることを目的としたもので、映画での初登場は第6作の『電撃!ブタのヒヅメ大作戦』だった。 5人揃うと百人力の彼らは、驚きのパワーと結束力を見せてくれる。
第12作『嵐を呼ぶ!夕陽のカスカベボーイズ』では、ネネちゃん、マサオくん、風間くんの記憶が戻り、“カスカベ防衛隊”が再び結成された。 5人揃えば、どんなに強い敵だって怖いものなし。
“Kasukabe Defense Team, Fire!” With this battle cry, they defeat one bad guy after another. “The Kasukabe Boys of the Setting Sun” is a work that allows us to appreciate the greatness of the “Kasukabe Defense Team” and strongly feel the friendship between Shin-chan, Kazama-kun, Nene-chan, Bo-chan, and Masao-kun.
In the 17th installment, “Otakebe! Kasukabe Wild Kingdom,” the “Kasukabe Defense Team” shows their adorable side. Kazama-kun, Nene-chan, Bo-chan, and Masao-kun accidentally drink a special drink that turns humans into animals. Unable to return home in their current state, they seek help from Shin-chan’s house. Masao-kun becomes a bat, Kazama-kun becomes a penguin, and Nene-chan becomes a rabbit, which are cute animals that anyone can understand. However, Bo-chan transforms into a critically endangered species called the Okinawa rail. It is also worth noting that each of them transforms into an animal that suits them perfectly.
Eventually, the cute group, who immediately rejected Shin-chan’s proposal to live together in a zoo, decides to go with Shin-chan to the enemy’s hideout to return to their original forms. What will happen to the “Kasukabe Defense Team”? This work has a slightly different taste from the previous movie series and focuses on environmental protection. It is a work where you can learn about the environment while having fun.
The Blu-ray series of the “Crayon Shin-chan” movies recently released three new films on June 28th: the 10th installment, “Crayon Shin-chan: Storming the Kasukabe Castle! The Great Assault on the Gourmet Kingdom!!,” the 11th installment, “Crayon Shin-chan: Storming the Kasukabe Castle! The Glorious Bakusui Road!!,” and the 12th installment, “Crayon Shin-chan: Storming the Kasukabe Castle! The Setting Sun of the Kasukabe Boys.”
作者: 仲瀬 コウタロウ 发表日期:2023 年 7 月 14 日